






Bemutatkozás: Hello I am Cassie Clarke, ive been a glamour model for the best part of 16 years and in the adult industry for approx 4 years with my partner Leo (he doesnt mind sharing lucky for me haha) If you have any questions comment below, now for some updates or question you might want to know.<br/><br/>What to expect on my channel over the next month -<br/>- I am uploading all the reviews from youtube to have another location to promote my nylon reviews.<br/><br/>What to expect in the future - <br/>- Once I eventually upload all the older reviews I want to do a more adult nature review here on xhamster that cant be allowed on youtube itself. This then includes not worrying about having to have everything covered up or a nipple slip taken out panties worn etc.<br/><br/>Where can you find my adult explicit content - <br/>- At the moment anywhere online, but with me pairing up with cam protection it will all slowly come away and then if you want to support me properly through my paid sites, this equals onlyfans, clips4sale and manyvids.<br/><br/>What kind of content does you onlyfans have (you can see previews on clips4sale on my links above) - <br/>- It ranges from glamour modelling all the way to full boy girl sex, I update it every day, with the format of 1 picture set of around 40 to 100 pictures and 1 or 2 videos a week with bonus selfie pictures and extra when we are in the mood. So far I have over 8000 pictures with over 130 photosets and 350 full videos (not small mobile videos) actually full videos.


Hello I am Cassie Clarke, ive been a glamour model for the best part of 16 years and in the adult industry for approx 4 years with my partner Leo (he doesnt mind sharing lucky for me haha) If you have any questions comment below, now for some updates or question you might want to know.<br/><br/>What to expect on my channel over the next month -<br/>- I am uploading all the reviews from youtube to have another location to promote my nylon reviews.<br/><br/>What to expect in the future - <br/>- Once I eventually upload all the older reviews I want to do a more adult nature review here on xhamster that cant be allowed on youtube itself. This then includes not worrying about having to have everything covered up or a nipple slip taken out panties worn etc.<br/><br/>Where can you find my adult explicit content - <br/>- At the moment anywhere online, but with me pairing up with cam protection it will all slowly come away and then if you want to support me properly through my paid sites, this equals onlyfans, clips4sale and manyvids.<br/><br/>What kind of content does you onlyfans have (you can see previews on clips4sale on my links above) - <br/>- It ranges from glamour modelling all the way to full boy girl sex, I update it every day, with the format of 1 picture set of around 40 to 100 pictures and 1 or 2 videos a week with bonus selfie pictures and extra when we are in the mood. So far I have over 8000 pictures with over 130 photosets and 350 full videos (not small mobile videos) actually full videos.
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